Dal Y MELLT (2022-) 

Two new drama series for S4C based on Iwan ‘Iwcs’ Roberts best-selling novels.
Available on
Netflix UK as Rough Cut, with English and Welsh subtitles available.
Available internationally on
Topic as Rough Cut, with English subtitles available.

Based on Iwan (Iwcs) Roberts’ first novel ‘Dal y Mellt’, ROUGH CUT is a 6-part drama series, set in contemporary Wales, which takes us on a roller-coaster journey from Cardiff to Holyhead, from London to Dublin and to the farm of Bwlch y Gloch in old Caernarfonshire.

Bad luck follows our hero Carbo like a bad penny and being apprehended by the likes of Mici Finn and Les Moore doesn’t help. Gronw, the old farmer, has asked them to find Carbo, not just because he’s an excellent mechanic, but also for his other hidden talents.

Life is about to test Carbo in ways he could never have imagined. And we follow Carbo’s trials and tribulations as he weaves his way in and out of the lives of the other characters, hell-bent on his own survival as he finds himself an unwitting part of a huge heist.

Yn seiliedig ar nofel gyntaf Iwcs bydd ‘Dal y Mellt’ - cyfres 6 pennod wedi ei lleioli yn y Gymru gyfoes- yn mynd a ni ar wib o Gaerdydd i Gaergybi, o Lundain i Ddulyn ac i Fferm Bwlch y Gloch yn yr hen Sir Gaernarfon.

Mae anlwc yn dilyn Carbo (y prif gymeriad) fel hen geiniog, a tydi cael ei ddal gan Mici Ffinn a Les Moore ddim i weld yn gwellau pethau iddo chwaith. Mae Gronw, yr hen ffermwr gogleddol, wedi gofyn iddynt ffendio Carbo iddo, am ei fod yn fecanic heb ei ail, ag yn bwysicach efallai am fod ganddo dalentau cudd eraill fydd o fantais iddynt.

Mae’r fagl wedi dechrau tynhau am Carbo ers tro, a’r gem o guddio ym mhob twll a chornel o’r brifddinas wedi dod i ben iddo. Dilynwn ei hynt a’i helynt wrth iddo blethu a gweu drwy fywydau cymeriadau eraill y gyfres, a chanfod ei hun yn ran o ladrad na welwyd ei thebyg o’r blaen.

“This is an exciting commission that will bring something fresh and energetic to S4C. There’s an amazing cast that have the ability to create a drama the audience can really immerse themselves in. Through the clever use of lighting, costumes and props, Vox Pictures is producing a really special piece of work with an unique style and feel.”
— Gwenllian Gravelle, Commissioner for Drama, S4C
“Dyma gomisiwn cyffrous fydd yn dod â rhywbeth ffres ac egnïol i S4C. Mae cast anhygoel sydd â’r gallu i greu drama all y gynulleidfa wir ymgolli ynddi. Trwy sicrhau fod edrychiad ac arddull y gyfres tipyn yn wahanol i’r arfer o ran goleuo, gwisgoedd a props, mae Vox Pictures wrthi’n cynhyrchu gwaith arbennig iawn.”
— Gwenllian Gravelle, Comisiynydd Drama, S4C
“A crazy trip into the depths of a dark world that evolves in front of our eyes. Fierce, witty and weighty. Iwcs is a ninja of a novelist”
— Rhys Ifans
“Taith wyllt i berfeddion byd sy’n troi o dan ein trwynau. Ffyrnig, ffraeth a chyhyrog. Mae Iwcs yn ninja o nofelydd”
— Rhys Ifans
“It’s so visual, reading it is the easiest thing in the world. Here’s a novel that cries out to be filmed”
— Lyn Ebeneser, Author & Reviewer.
“Gallaf ddychmygu fod Iwcs wedi gwneud llawer o waith ymchwil ar gyfer y nofel hon a rhaid ei fod wedi ymlafnio’n galed dros amser hir cyn ei gollwng allan o’i ddwylo, ond ei chryfder yw’r ffaith nad oes ol ymdrech arni, a gan ei bod mor weledol, ei darllen yw’r peth hawsaf yn y byd. Dyma nofel sydd yn sgrechian allan am gael ei ffilmio”
— Lyn Ebeneser
“Masterpiece, the most exciting novel to be published in the Welsh language in many years - the novel is full of beautiful, original humour and descriptions that emotionally touch you”
— Y Cymro, newspaper.
“Campwaith, y nofel fwyaf cyffrous i’w chyhoeddi yn y Gymraeg ers blynyddoedd – mae’r nofel yn berwi o hiwmor crafog a gwreiddiol ac o ddisgrifiadau sy’n cyffwrdd rhywun i’r byw”
— Y Cymro